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Foodbank vouchers

Our foodbank works using a voucher referral system. Find out more about how we work.

We know that anyone can find themselves at crisis point for a number of different reasons. In order to give you the best help we can, we work with local agencies who provide help on matters from benefits issues to housing, disability needs, immigration and abuse, while we provide food.

The best way to get a voucher is the Help through Hardship line (0808 208 2138). Please call in advance rather than on the day you’re visiting us – vouchers can take up to 12 hours to be issued. There may be a wait, but please stay on the phone to keep your queue place.
Other options – please use these in advance too:
  • If you’re a Sandwell resident, you can apply via the MySandwell site
  • If you’re in Birmingham, you can apply via Birmingham City Council
  • Your Local Citizens’ Advice may be able to issue vouchers
  • Job Centre Plus may issue a voucher; this can vary case by case
  • Your support worker, children’s school, shelter, GP, health visitor, hospital, housing office, or community centre may be able to issue; please speak to them about the fact you are struggling. Even if they can’t issue you a voucher, we will also accept a referral from them – but it needs to be before the day you come to us, and it will need to be from their official organisation email address, not a personal one. Send to [email protected].
  • You can also talk to your local places of worship such as churches, gurdwaras and mosques; even those that can’t issue our vouchers may know of food help in your area.

When you visit a referral agency they will take some basic details from you to complete the voucher. This will help them to identify the cause of your crisis and offer practical guidance. It also means we are able to prepare suitable emergency food for the right number of people. Once you have been issued with a voucher, you can exchange this for a minimum of three days’ emergency food at your nearest foodbank centre.

One voucher = one parcel (you will need to get a new voucher for every parcel), but vouchers can be used at any one session over several weeks; they don’t expire. If you’re uncertain about getting food in the next few days, please call for a voucher. You then have a three-day food parcel you can claim if it turns out you do need more support. A Trussell voucher can be redeemed at any Trussell foodbank. Many non-Trussell foodbanks will also take them; please ask. Please seek help – it’s what we’re here for. We can also signpost you to other support agencies for issues e.g. debt, welfare, housing, domestic abuse, and more.

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