19 Nov 21
Tesco Winter Food Collection
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Going food shopping over the next few days? We’re collecting your donations at the Tesco Food Collection at Tesco Cradley Heath, Foxoak St, Cradley Heath, B64 5DF. Pop your donations in our collection trolley or have a chat to our volunteers about our much needed items. Thanks for everyone’s ongoing support
26 Jul 21
Smethwick Foodbank COVID-19 update July 2021
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Emergency Food Parcels You will need to be assessed by a local agency to obtain a referral to Foodbank to collect Food at the door of Holy Trinity Church on Tuesdays and Fridays 12.00-14.00 Local Referral Agencies We recommend ringing your normal local referral agencies for assessment for food; many are offering advice over the […]
12 Feb 21
Join in with the Smethwick Foodbank AdLent Campaign!
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Wednesday 17th February sees the launch of our Easter 2021 AdLent Calendar! Get together with friends, at work, with neighbours or family to collect an item each day over Lent to help local families in financial hardship this Easter. Print out your own copy of the AdLent Calendar using the link below. AdLent-Calendar-Smethwick-Foodbank PDF
11 Jan 21
COVID Winter Grant Scheme
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COVID Winter Grant Scheme This is a new government initiative, paid through the council, specifically to support households suffering financial hardship as a direct result of the impact of Covid-19. The government has awarded councils money under the Covid Winter Grant Scheme designed for vulnerable households and families, with or without children, who are particularly […]
10 Nov 20
Christmas 2020 Reverse Advent Calendar
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This week sees the launch of our Christmas 2020 Reverse Advent Calendar! Get together at work or with friends, neighbours or family to collect an item each day over the next four weeks to help local families in financial hardship this Christmas. Smethwick Foodbank Reverse Advent 2020
9 Nov 20
Foodbank Winter Statement
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As we approach winter 2020 and the start of a new decade, the change to a new year brings not only new challenges and demands, but also the marking of the 10 year anniversary of Smethwick Foodbank. At Smethwick CAN, our mission has always been to ensure that no one in our community goes to […]
2 Oct 20
Foodbank Harvest Appeal 2020
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Foodbank relies on donations made at this time of year from local schools, businesses and other community organisations. These collections are vitally needed this year as we continue to meet the extra needs created by the COVID-19 Pandemic We have contacted those schools, businesses and community organisations that have organised collections in the past. We’re […]
21 Aug 20
Smethwick Foodbank closed 31/08/2020 for a week and New Opening Times
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Advanced warning. Smethwick Foodbank will be closed for the week beginning 31st August, reopening on Tuesday 8th September. Our new opening times for Foodbank clients will be 12-2pm Tuesday and Friday onwards at Holy Trinity Church. The Foodbank Centre at Raglan Road will remain closed until further notice.
30 Jun 20
Smethwick CAN has a lovely new van!
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This will be a great benefit across all of the Smethwick CAN food projects – food bank, pantry, cafe and allotment.